5 fashion and style tips for thin men

A man who knows how to dress well will always look up, especially if he highlights his figure with certain outfits and looks spectacular according to the occasion.

The fact that a man is thin is not an impediment for him to be fashionable and attract attention, since it can be the envy of many if he knows how to combine his clothes and dress according to the occasion. Not only do women have the problem of choosing their outfits, day to day men also want to look flawless, steal glances and have trouble deciding what they are going to wear.

It happens to many that they choose to wear a certain type of clothing so as not to show their thinness. They do not know what they should or should not use to look good and not highlight their figure. The thin man is not disadvantaged. That is why here we leave you some tips so that you know how to shine your outfit in the best way and look fashionable.

Yes to white garments

Just as it is well known that black makes you look thinner, white makes you look a little more "curled up." So white or clear garments are very effective not to highlight thinness and wear a wider body.

No to skinny jeans

If one of your problems is that you have very thin legs, do not wear skinny jeans, because instead of highlighting your legs and muscles in some way, it works the other way around, you highlight your thinness even more.

No to baggy clothes

Now, if what you as a man you want is to shine a wider body, it does not turn out to wear loose or big clothes, because the effect is the opposite. Instead of seeing you that way, you're going to look even thinner. Take the test to see the change.

Yes to horizontal stripes

Unlike vertical stripes, which highlight a person's thinness more, horizontal stripes make the man see a slightly wider body. If that is one of your goals, try this tip.

Yes to clothes with thicker cloth

Wearing a textured shirt can make you look a body with more volume, and not only with the naked eye, the effect is also achieved in touch. In winter time it is a great option to gain a little more weight, although in the hot season denim is also effective.


That thinness is not an impediment to being fashionable. Now you know some tips to show off a body with more volume, but the most important thing is that you feel comfortable in your own skin, because there is nothing sexier than a man with confidence.

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